Do I have to pay separate copays for every medical visit for the same problem (scratch, infection, glaucoma)?
Can you waive my copay if I ask very nicely?
Why doesn’t my eye insurance pay every year?
What if my insurance doesn’t cover services?
Do you take my insurance?
We participate with most major medical insurances and a selection of vision plans! If you don’t see your policy listed below, please contact our office and our staff will check for you!
- Blue Cross Blue Shield
- United Healthcare
- Humana
- Cigna
- Medcost
- Community Eye Care
- Medicare, and most Medicare Advantage plans
We accept NC Medicaid Direct, but we do not participate with Medicaid’s Managed Care plans (including Amerihealth Caritas, Carolina Connect, HealthyBlue, March Vision, Trillium, UHC Community Plan, and Wellcare). Please check your card to see which type you have.
Keep in mind that many major medical plans contract smaller companies for vision and dental benefits, often renaming them to better fit their “brand.” We aren’t always in network with these outsourced vendors; for example: Blue Cross Blue Shield’s Blue20/20 and BlueView plans are actually Eyemed. If you’re unsure, our staff can help you confirm this information.
When do I pay my copay?
Copays and all other non-covered charges are due at the time services are rendered.
What if I cannot pay the amount I owe in full?
Please contact our office if you need any assistance with your bill. There may be other payment options available to you.
Why do I still have a balance if my insurance has paid on my claim?
Based on your insurance coverage, you may be responsible for any deductibles, copays, and co-insurance for charges not covered by your insurance.
I forgot to give my Vision Plan information and the claim was submitted to my medical plan. Can you still submit my vision plan?
Yes, if you were eligible on the date of service we may still be able to get authorization for services. You will need to provide the ID# to your vision policy. We will try and obtain authorization for services. With some insurances, however, there may be a timely filing limit that prohibits us from getting an authorization (normally 6-12 months from the date of services). Once we get authorization for services we will file your Vision insurance. We will also contact your medical plan and reverse charges.
How do I get my refund when I paid and so did my insurance?
When we have received payment from your insurance plan and credit is on your account, you can contact our office and speak with the office manager. She will process your refund and tell you when to expect it.
What should I do if payment is sent directly to me?
The amount paid to you should be used to pay outstanding charges to Battleground Eye Care. Patients are responsible for any and all outstanding charges. You can either deposit the insurance payment and issue us a personal check or simply forward the insurance payment to us.
Can I swim in my contact lenses?
Can I sleep in my lenses?
What is the warranty on your glasses?
You should always ask about frame and lens warranties regardless of where you buy them.
Frame – Most companies offer a 1-year warranty but it varies by manufacturer. It ranges from 90 days to two years.
Lenses – Again, it varies by the type of lens treatment, however, warrantees are typically 1-2 years depending on the manufacturer.
What is the difference between your glasses and discount chains?
What is the difference between your glasses and those found on the Internet?
Accurate Segment height
Vertical optical center
Eye size
Bridge size
Temple length
Lens material and refractive index best suited for your prescription
Multifocal design and brand
Optional lens features – such as tints, coatings, etc.
Eyeglass dispensing adjustment
Education and training on lens and frame features and care
Ongoing adjustments
Minor repairs
Why should I buy from Battleground Eye Care instead of the Internet?